Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- NotificationsBagInterface
- LotgdControllerInterface
- Interface for migrating module to bundle.
- EntityInterface
- RepositoryBackupInterface
- ServerFunctions
- Bans
- Mounts
- NotificationsBag
- DonationButtonsBlock
- Stats
- Battle
- Buffer
- TempStat
- AboutCommand
- Console command to display information about the current application.
- AvatarCleanCommand
- Console command to display information about the current application.
- ContentCleanCommand
- NewDayCommand
- PetitionCleanCommand
- LotgdInstallCommand
- Command for Install/Upgrade LoTGD.
- RegenerateAppSecretCommand
- UserCreateCommand
- Command to create a new user.
- UserLogoutCommand
- Command to logout 1 user or all.
- AboutController
- AccountController
- ArmorController
- BankController
- BioController
- ClanController
- CreateController
- DragonController
- ForestController
- GardenController
- GraveyardController
- GypsyController
- HealerController
- HofController
- HomeController
- InnController
- ListController
- LodgeController
- LogdnetController
- LoginController
- MailController
- MercenaryCampController
- MotdController
- NewdayController
- NewsController
- PetitionController
- PvpController
- ReferralController
- RockController
- ShadesController
- StableController
- TimeoutController
- TrainController
- VillageController
- WeaponController
- NotificationsPass
- DateTimeType
- TablePrefix
- EntityManager
- EntityRepository
- ManagerRegistry
- Quote
- A set of rules for determining the physical column, alias and table quotes.
- AccountsEverypage
- Structure of table "accounts_everypage" in data base.
- AccountsOutput
- AccountsOutput.
- Armor
- Armor.
- ArmorTranslation
- Armor translations.
- Avatar
- Structure of table "avatars" in data base.
- Bans
- Bans.
- Clans
- Clans.
- Commentary
- Commentary.
- Companions
- Companions.
- CompanionsTranslation
- Companions translations.
- Creatures
- Creatures.
- CreaturesTranslation
- Creatures translations.
- Cronjob
- Cronjob.
- Debug
- Debug.
- Debuglog
- Debuglog.
- DebuglogArchive
- DebuglogArchive.
- Faillog
- Faillog.
- Gamelog
- Gamelog.
- Logdnet
- Logdnet.
- Logdnetbans
- Logdnetbans.
- Structure of table "mail" in data base.
- Masters
- Masters.
- MastersTranslation
- Masters translations.
- Moderatedcomments
- Moderatedcomments.
- ModuleEventHooks
- ModuleEventHooks.
- ModuleHooks
- ModuleHooks.
- ModuleObjprefs
- ModuleObjprefs.
- Modules
- Structure of table "modules" in data base.
- ModuleSettings
- ModuleSettings.
- ModuleUserprefs
- ModuleUserprefs.
- Motd
- Motd.
- Mounts
- Mounts.
- MountsTranslation
- Mounts translations.
- News
- News.
- Paylog
- Paylog.
- Petitions
- Petitions.
- Pollresults
- Pollresults.
- Referers
- Referers.
- Settings
- Settings.
- Titles
- Titles.
- TitlesTranslation
- Titles translations.
- User
- Structure of table "user" in data base.
- Weapons
- Weapons.
- WeaponsTranslation
- Weapon translations.
- Whostyping
- Whostyping.
- AccountsType
- NameTranslationType
- ArmorType
- CharactersType
- BuffType
- AbilitiesType
- CategoryTranslationType
- NameTranslationType
- TextareaTranslationType
- TextTranslationType
- CompanionsType
- CategoryTranslationType
- DescriptionTranslationType
- LoseTranslationType
- NameTranslationType
- WeaponTranslationType
- WinTranslationType
- CreaturesType
- CronjobType
- LoseTranslationType
- NameTranslationType
- WeaponTranslationType
- WinTranslationType
- MastersType
- MotdEditType
- MotdPollType
- MotdType
- CategoryTranslationType
- NameTranslationType
- TextareaTranslationType
- MountsType
- TextTranslationType
- TitlesType
- NameTranslationType
- WeaponsType
- Character
- Clan
- Commentary
- Core
- Creature
- EveryRequest
- Fight
- Graveyard
- Other
- Superuser
- Events
- Events available in LoTGD Core. See also events in 'src/core/Event/'.
- SetFromSubscriber
- Subscriber to add From to email if not have one.
- ConfigNotFound
- Base exception for Legend of the Green dragon.
- Exception
- Base exception for Legend of the Green dragon.
- InvalidArgumentException
- Core invalid argument exception.
- RuntimeException
- RuntimeException for Legend of the Green dragon.
- Battle
- BattleProvider
- Doctrine
- EventDispatcher
- FlashMessages
- Format
- This class is for format a string For example: format a number or a date.
- Kernel
- Log
- Navigation
- Request
- Response
- Sanitize
- This class is for sanitize a string For example: sanitize a number or a date.
- Session
- Setting
- Theme
- Tool
- Translator
- BankType
- ContentType
- ForestType
- GameSetupType
- MailType
- MiscType
- NewdayType
- AboutType
- ClanNewType
- AccountType
- BankType
- ClansType
- CombatType
- CommentaryType
- CompanionType
- ContentType
- DaysetupType
- DonationType
- EnemiesType
- EventsType
- ForestType
- GameSetupType
- HomeType
- LogdnetType
- MailType
- MaintenanceType
- MiscType
- NewdaysType
- PlacesType
- PvpType
- ReferralType
- SuTitleType
- TrainingType
- ConfigurationType
- CronjobType
- BitFieldTransformer
- BooleanTransformer
- DateTimeTypeTransformer
- NumberTransformer
- UnTagifyTransformer
- Convert format: [{"value":"tag_1"},{"value":"tag_2"}]" into: tag_1,tag_2
- AddTranslatableFieldSubscriber
- FiltersExtension
- HomeType
- MailWriteType
- PetitionType
- AutocompleteType
- BitFieldType
- CheckboxType
- ClanRankType
- CreatureAiType
- CronjobListType
- DateTimeType
- LocationType
- LotgdThemeType
- NumberType
- PersonalTranslationType
- PetitionTypesType
- RaceType
- SpecialtyType
- TagifyType
- TextareaLimitType
- TranslatableFieldType
- ViewOnlyType
- Request
- Response
- AbstractCommand
- Command for upgrade to clean install.
- CleanInstallCommand
- Command for upgrade a clean install.
- Install50000Command
- Command for upgrade to 5.0.0 version.
- Install50100Command
- Command for upgrade to 5.1.0 version.
- Install50200Command
- Command for upgrade to 5.2.0 version.
- Install50201Command
- Command for upgrade to 5.2.1 version.
- Install50400Command
- Command for upgrade to 5.4.0 version.
- Install60000Command
- Command for upgrade to 6.0.0 version.
- Install60100Command
- Command for upgrade to 6.1.0 version.
- Install60200Command
- Command for upgrade to 6.2.0 version.
- Install70000Command
- Command for upgrade to 7.0.0 version.
- Install70200Command
- Command for upgrade to 7.2.0 version.
- Install
- InstallerAbstract
- CleanVersion
- Version50000
- Version50100
- Version50200
- Version50201
- Version50400
- Version60000
- Version60100
- Version60200
- Version70000
- Version70200
- Kernel
- Settings
- Log
- AccessKeys
- Generate a unique access key for a nav.
- Navigation
- Class for construct a navigation menu in LotGD.
- Censor
- Code
- Color
- Commentary
- Format
- Format a string.
- Doctrine
- Listing
- Support
- Warning
- AccountsEverypageRepository
- AccountsOutputRepository
- ArmorRepository
- AvatarRepository
- BansRepository
- ClansRepository
- CommentaryRepository
- CompanionsRepository
- CreaturesRepository
- CronjobRepository
- DebuglogRepository
- DebugRepository
- FaillogRepository
- GamelogRepository
- LogdnetRepository
- MailRepository
- MastersRepository
- ModulesRepository
- ModuleUserprefsRepository
- MotdRepository
- MountsRepository
- NewsRepository
- PaylogRepository
- PetitionsRepository
- ReferersRepository
- SettingsRepository
- TitlesRepository
- UserRepository
- WeaponsRepository
- WhostypingRepository
- LotgdPasswordEncoder
- AvatarCleanService
- ContentCleanService
- HttpRequestFactory
- PageParts
- PaypalButtons
- ServerFunction
- SessionVariable
- UserVariable
- MessageFormatter
- ConstraintValidatorFactory
- Class ConstraintValidatorFactory.
- Params
- LotgdTheme
- Backup
- CreatureFunction
- DateTime
- PlayerFunction
- Sanitize
- Staff
- SystemMail
- Tool
- Validator
- Class that simplifies data checking. Returning true or false.
- ApplyFilter
- CensorExtension
- Commentary
- FlashMessages
- FormatExtension
- GameCore
- GameTimeExtension
- Helpers
- Class for use Laminas Helpers: like show/capture head/inline scripts/styles and files.
- Motd
- Navigation
- NotificationsExtension
- SettingsExtension
- Translator
- CommentaryDefaultAddCommentNode
- CommentaryDefaultDomainStatusNode
- CommentaryDefaultLimitNode
- CommentaryDefaultPaginationNode
- CommentaryDefaultPaginationUrlNode
- Node
- CommentaryDefaultAddCommentNodeVisitor
- CommentaryDefaultDomainStatusNodeVisitor
- CommentaryDefaultLimitNodeVisitor
- CommentaryDefaultPaginationNodeVisitor
- CommentaryDefaultPaginationUrlNodeVisitor
- CommentaryNodeVisitor
- NodeVisitorAbstract
- Scope
- CommentaryDefaultAddCommentTokenParser
- Token Parser for the 'commentary_can_add_comments ' tag.
- CommentaryDefaultDomainStatusTokenParser
- Token Parser for the 'commentary_domain_status' tag.
- CommentaryDefaultLimitTokenParser
- Token Parser for the 'commentary_limit_comments' tag.
- CommentaryDefaultPaginationTokenParser
- Token Parser for the 'commentary_show_pagination ' tag.
- CommentaryDefaultPaginationUrlTokenParser
- Token Parser for the 'commentary_pagination_link_url ' tag.
- Buff
- Buffer
- Configuration
- Context
- Enemy
- Extended
- Formula
- Ghost
- HealthBar
- Menu
- Movement
- Option
- Other
- Prepare
- Process
- Result
- Round
- Skill
- Surprise
- Suspend
- Target
- TempStat
- TranslationDomain
- BattleEnd
- BattleProcess
- BattleStart
- BattleTrait
- FormatTrait
- DragonPointSpendTrait
- NewDayTrait
- RecalculateDragonPointTrait
- SetRaceTrait
- SetSpecialtyTrait
- RenderBlockTrait
- EntityRepositoryTrait
- Attribute
- Clan
- Equipment
- Author
- Comment
- IdTrait
- Avatar
- Ban
- Donation
- Referer
- Security
- StaticTrait
- CheckInstallation
- FormaterTrait
- Version
- DeleteFilesTrait
- CustomClass
- Links
- Menu
- Pagination
- Command
- Code
- Color
- LotgdControllerTrait
- Custom trait for LoTGD Controllers
- StimulusUrlTrait
- Backup
- Functions for backup data.
- Bio
- Functions for bio of characters.
- Clan
- Functions for clan of characters.
- Setting
- Functions for settings of characters.
- Backup
- Functions for backup data.
- Backup
- Functions for backup data.
- Clan
- Functions for clan of mail.
- Setting
- Functions for settings of modules.
- Backup
- Functions for backup data.
- Backup
- Functions for backup data.
- Avatar
- Functions for characters from account.
- Bans
- Functions for bans account.
- Clan
- Functions for clans.
- Login
- Functions for login/logout user.
- Superuser
- Functions for superuser account.
- User
- Functions for user account.
- DeathMessage
- Name
- Substitute
- Taunt
- Title
- AttributesString
- Create a string of attributes for a html tag.
- CharacterFunction
- Commentary
- CommentaryModerate
- CoreFilter
- CoreFunction
- Jaxon
- Trait to output Jaxon files.
- Trait to created ye olde mail link.
- Motd
- Trait to message of the day.
- Navigation
- Trait to navigation display.
- News
- Trait to navigation display.
- PageGen
- Trait to generate page gen time.
- Petition
- Trait to created user petition link.
- Source
- Trait to created source link.
Table of Contents
- process_post_save_data() : mixed
- dump_item() : mixed
- dump_item_ascode() : mixed
- handle_event() : mixed
- do_forced_nav() : mixed
- lotgd_mail() : mixed
- Function for send Mails to users Has the same structure as the php "mail()" function, but this function checks if you want to send emails in html format or not.
- activate_module() : mixed
- deactivate_module() : mixed
- uninstall_module() : mixed
- install_module() : mixed
- blockmodule() : mixed
- unblockmodule() : mixed
- module_collect_events() : mixed
- module_events() : mixed
- module_do_event() : mixed
- event_sort() : mixed
- module_display_events() : mixed
- modulehook() : mixed
- module_wipehooks() : mixed
- Delete hooks of module.
- module_addeventhook() : mixed
- module_drophook() : void
- module_addhook() : mixed
- Called by modules to register themselves for a game module hook point, with default priority.
- module_addhook_priority() : mixed
- Called by modules to register themselves for a game module hook point, with a given priority -- lower numbers execute first.
- injectmodule() : mixed
- module_status() : int
- Returns the status of a module as a bitfield.
- is_module_active() : bool
- Determines if a module is activated.
- is_module_installed() : bool
- Determines if a module is installed.
- get_module_install_status() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get status of module.
- module_delete_objprefs() : mixed
- Delete all objtype for objid.
- get_module_objpref() : mixed
- Get value for a setting for a module, objtype and objid.
- set_module_objpref() : mixed
- Set value for a setting for a module, objtype and objid.
- increment_module_objpref() : mixed
- Increment value for a setting for a module, objtype and objid.
- load_module_objpref() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Load objpref of a module.
- module_delete_userprefs() : mixed
- Delete all module user preferences.
- get_all_module_prefs() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get all module prefs of a user.
- get_module_pref() : mixed
- Get pref of user for a given module and setting.
- set_module_pref() : mixed
- Set pref of user for a given module and setting.
- increment_module_pref() : mixed
- Increment pref of user for a given module and setting.
- clear_module_pref() : mixed
- Clear a setting for a given module and user.
- load_module_prefs() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Load prefs of a module.
- get_all_module_settings() : array<string|int, mixed>
- An associative array of all the settings for the given module.
- get_module_setting() : mixed
- Get value for setting of a module.
- set_module_setting() : mixed
- Set value for setting of a module.
- increment_module_setting() : mixed
- Increment value for a setting of module.
- clear_module_settings() : mixed
- Clear settings of a module.
- load_module_settings() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Load settings of a module.
- module_check_requirements() : bool
- Checks if the module requirements are satisfied. Should a module require other modules to be installed and active, then optionally makes them so.
- mass_module_prepare() : bool
- Preloads data for multiple modules in one shot rather than having to make SQL calls for each hook, when many of the hooks are found on every page.
- get_module_info() : mixed
- module_editor_navs() : mixed
- module_objpref_edit() : mixed
- module_compare_versions() : mixed
- module_condition() : bool
- Evaluates a PHP Expression.
- get_racename() : mixed
- module_pref_filter() : mixed
- redirect() : mixed
- lotgd_showform() : mixed
- Construct FORM LOTGD style.
- lotgd_show_form_field() : mixed
- lotgd_showtabs() : mixed
- Construct TABS Semantic UI style.
- check_su_access() : mixed
- checkSuPermission() : bool|redirect
- Check Superuser premission.
- bell_rand() : mixed
process_post_save_data(mixed $post, mixed $old, mixed &$flashMessages, mixed $module, mixed $textDomain) : mixed
- $post : mixed
- $old : mixed
- $flashMessages : mixed
- $module : mixed
- $textDomain : mixed
Return values
mixed —dump_item()
dump_item(mixed $item) : mixed
- $item : mixed
Return values
mixed —dump_item_ascode()
dump_item_ascode(mixed $item[, mixed $indent = " " ]) : mixed
- $item : mixed
- $indent : mixed = " "
Return values
mixed —handle_event()
handle_event(mixed $location[, mixed $baseLink = false ]) : mixed
- $location : mixed
- $baseLink : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —do_forced_nav()
do_forced_nav(mixed $anonymous, mixed $overrideforced) : mixed
- $anonymous : mixed
- $overrideforced : mixed
Return values
mixed —lotgd_mail()
Function for send Mails to users Has the same structure as the php "mail()" function, but this function checks if you want to send emails in html format or not.
lotgd_mail(mixed $to, mixed $subject, mixed $message[, mixed $additional_headers = '' ][, mixed $additional_parameters = '' ]) : mixed
- $to : mixed
- $subject : mixed
- $message : mixed
- $additional_headers : mixed = ''
- $additional_parameters : mixed = ''
Return values
mixed —activate_module()
activate_module(mixed $module) : mixed
- $module : mixed
Return values
mixed —deactivate_module()
deactivate_module(mixed $module) : mixed
- $module : mixed
Return values
mixed —uninstall_module()
uninstall_module(mixed $module) : mixed
- $module : mixed
Return values
mixed —install_module()
install_module(mixed $module[, mixed $force = true ]) : mixed
- $module : mixed
- $force : mixed = true
Return values
mixed —blockmodule()
blockmodule(mixed $modulename) : mixed
- $modulename : mixed
Return values
mixed —unblockmodule()
unblockmodule(mixed $modulename) : mixed
- $modulename : mixed
Return values
mixed —module_collect_events()
module_collect_events(mixed $type[, mixed $allowinactive = false ]) : mixed
- $type : mixed
- $allowinactive : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —module_events()
module_events(mixed $eventtype, mixed $basechance[, mixed $baseLink = false ]) : mixed
- $eventtype : mixed
- $basechance : mixed
- $baseLink : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —module_do_event()
module_do_event(mixed $type, mixed $module[, mixed $allowinactive = false ][, mixed $baseLink = false ]) : mixed
- $type : mixed
- $module : mixed
- $allowinactive : mixed = false
- $baseLink : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —event_sort()
event_sort(mixed $a, mixed $b) : mixed
- $a : mixed
- $b : mixed
Return values
mixed —module_display_events()
module_display_events(mixed $eventtype[, mixed $forcescript = false ]) : mixed
- $eventtype : mixed
- $forcescript : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —modulehook()
modulehook(mixed $hookname[, mixed $args = false ][, mixed $allowinactive = false ][, mixed $only = false ]) : mixed
- $hookname : mixed
- $args : mixed = false
- $allowinactive : mixed = false
- $only : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —module_wipehooks()
Delete hooks of module.
module_wipehooks(string $module) : mixed
- $module : string
Return values
mixed —module_addeventhook()
module_addeventhook(mixed $type, mixed $chance) : mixed
- $type : mixed
- $chance : mixed
Return values
mixed —module_drophook()
module_drophook(mixed $hookname[, bool $functioncall = false ]) : void
- $hookname : mixed
- $functioncall : bool = false
Return values
void —module_addhook()
Called by modules to register themselves for a game module hook point, with default priority.
module_addhook(string $hookname[, string $functioncall = false ][, string $whenactive = false ]) : mixed
Modules with identical priorities will execute alphabetically. Modules can only have one hook on a given hook name, even if they call this function multiple times, unless they specify different values for the functioncall argument.
- $hookname : string
The hook to receive a notification for
- $functioncall : string = false
The function that should be called, if not specified, use {modulename}_dohook() as the function
- $whenactive : string = false
an expression that should be evaluated before triggering the event, if not specified, none
Return values
mixed —module_addhook_priority()
Called by modules to register themselves for a game module hook point, with a given priority -- lower numbers execute first.
module_addhook_priority(string $hookname[, int $priority = 50 ][, string $functioncall = false ][, string $whenactive = false ]) : mixed
Modules with identical priorities will execute alphabetically. Modules can only have one hook on a given hook name, even if they call this function multiple times, unless they specify different values for the functioncall argument.
- $hookname : string
The hook to receive a notification for
- $priority : int = 50
The priority for this hooking -- lower numbers execute first. < 50 means earlier-than-normal execution, > 50 means later than normal execution. Priority only affects execution order compared to other events registered on the same hook, all events on a given hook will execute before the game resumes execution.
- $functioncall : string = false
The function that should be called, if not specified, use {modulename}_dohook() as the function
- $whenactive : string = false
an expression that should be evaluated before triggering the event, if not specified, none
Return values
mixed —injectmodule()
injectmodule(mixed $modulename[, mixed $force = false ]) : mixed
- $modulename : mixed
- $force : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —module_status()
Returns the status of a module as a bitfield.
module_status(string $modulename[, string $version = null ]) : int
- $modulename : string
The module name
- $version : string = null
The version to check for (null for don't care)
Return values
int —The status codes for the module
Determines if a module is activated.
is_module_active(string $modulename) : bool
- $modulename : string
The module name
Return values
bool —If the module is active or not
Determines if a module is installed.
is_module_installed(string $modulename[, string $version = false ]) : bool
- $modulename : string
The module name
- $version : string = false
The version to check for
Return values
bool —If the module is installed
Get status of module.
get_module_install_status() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —module_delete_objprefs()
Delete all objtype for objid.
module_delete_objprefs(string $objtype, int $objid) : mixed
- $objtype : string
- $objid : int
Return values
mixed —get_module_objpref()
Get value for a setting for a module, objtype and objid.
get_module_objpref(string $objtype, int $objid, string $name[, string $module = false ]) : mixed
- $objtype : string
- $objid : int
- $name : string
- $module : string = false
Return values
mixed —set_module_objpref()
Set value for a setting for a module, objtype and objid.
set_module_objpref(string $objtype, int $objid, string $name, mixed $value[, string $module = false ]) : mixed
- $objtype : string
- $objid : int
- $name : string
- $value : mixed
- $module : string = false
Return values
mixed —increment_module_objpref()
Increment value for a setting for a module, objtype and objid.
increment_module_objpref(string $objtype, int $objid, string $name[, float|int $value = 1 ][, string $module = false ]) : mixed
- $objtype : string
- $objid : int
- $name : string
- $value : float|int = 1
- $module : string = false
Return values
mixed —load_module_objpref()
Load objpref of a module.
load_module_objpref(string $objtype, int $objid[, string $module = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $objtype : string
- $objid : int
- $module : string = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —module_delete_userprefs()
Delete all module user preferences.
module_delete_userprefs(int $user) : mixed
- $user : int
Return values
mixed —get_all_module_prefs()
Get all module prefs of a user.
get_all_module_prefs([string $module = false ][, int $user = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $module : string = false
- $user : int = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —get_module_pref()
Get pref of user for a given module and setting.
get_module_pref(string $name[, string $module = false ][, int $user = false ]) : mixed
- $name : string
- $module : string = false
- $user : int = false
Return values
mixed —set_module_pref()
Set pref of user for a given module and setting.
set_module_pref(string $name, mixed $value[, string $module = false ][, int $user = false ]) : mixed
- $name : string
- $value : mixed
- $module : string = false
- $user : int = false
Return values
mixed —increment_module_pref()
Increment pref of user for a given module and setting.
increment_module_pref(string $name[, int|float $value = 1 ][, string $module = false ][, int $user = false ]) : mixed
- $name : string
- $value : int|float = 1
- $module : string = false
- $user : int = false
Return values
mixed —clear_module_pref()
Clear a setting for a given module and user.
clear_module_pref(string $name[, string $module = false ][, int $user = false ]) : mixed
- $name : string
- $module : string = false
- $user : int = false
Return values
mixed —load_module_prefs()
Load prefs of a module.
load_module_prefs(string $module[, int $user = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $module : string
- $user : int = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —get_all_module_settings()
An associative array of all the settings for the given module.
get_all_module_settings([string $module = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $module : string = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —get_module_setting()
Get value for setting of a module.
get_module_setting(mixed $name[, mixed $module = false ]) : mixed
- $name : mixed
- $module : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —set_module_setting()
Set value for setting of a module.
set_module_setting(string $name, mixed $value[, string $module = false ]) : mixed
- $name : string
- $value : mixed
- $module : string = false
Return values
mixed —increment_module_setting()
Increment value for a setting of module.
increment_module_setting(string $name[, float|int $value = 1 ][, string $module = false ]) : mixed
- $name : string
- $value : float|int = 1
- $module : string = false
Return values
mixed —clear_module_settings()
Clear settings of a module.
clear_module_settings([string $module = false ]) : mixed
- $module : string = false
Return values
mixed —load_module_settings()
Load settings of a module.
load_module_settings(string $module) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $module : string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —module_check_requirements()
Checks if the module requirements are satisfied. Should a module require other modules to be installed and active, then optionally makes them so.
module_check_requirements(array<string|int, mixed> $reqs[, mixed $forceinject = false ]) : bool
- $reqs : array<string|int, mixed>
Requirements of a module from _getmoduleinfo()
- $forceinject : mixed = false
Return values
bool —If successful or not
Preloads data for multiple modules in one shot rather than having to make SQL calls for each hook, when many of the hooks are found on every page.
mass_module_prepare(array<string|int, mixed> $hooknames) : bool
- $hooknames : array<string|int, mixed>
names of hooks whose attached modules should be preloaded
Return values
bool —Success
get_module_info(mixed $shortname) : mixed
- $shortname : mixed
Return values
mixed —module_editor_navs()
module_editor_navs(mixed $like, mixed $linkprefix) : mixed
- $like : mixed
- $linkprefix : mixed
Return values
mixed —module_objpref_edit()
module_objpref_edit(mixed $type, mixed $module, mixed $id) : mixed
- $type : mixed
- $module : mixed
- $id : mixed
Return values
mixed —module_compare_versions()
module_compare_versions(mixed $a, mixed $b) : mixed
- $a : mixed
- $b : mixed
Return values
mixed —module_condition()
Evaluates a PHP Expression.
module_condition(string $condition) : bool
- $condition : string
The PHP condition to evaluate
Return values
bool —The result of the evaluated expression
get_racename([mixed $thisuser = true ]) : mixed
- $thisuser : mixed = true
Return values
mixed —module_pref_filter()
module_pref_filter(mixed $a) : mixed
- $a : mixed
Return values
mixed —redirect()
redirect(mixed $location[, mixed $reason = false ]) : mixed
- $location : mixed
- $reason : mixed = false
Return values
mixed —lotgd_showform()
Construct FORM LOTGD style.
lotgd_showform(mixed $layout, array<string|int, mixed> $row[, bool $nosave = false ][, false|pattern $keypref = false ][, bool $print = true ][, callable $callback = null ]) : mixed
- $layout : mixed
- $row : array<string|int, mixed>
- $nosave : bool = false
- $keypref : false|pattern = false
- $print : bool = true
- $callback : callable = null
This can use for personalize the form used to show all inputs or for more process. Can still use lotgd_show_form_field in your callable Both functions get same parameters function($info, $row, $key, $keyout, $val, $extensions)
Return values
mixed —lotgd_show_form_field()
lotgd_show_form_field(mixed $info, mixed $row, mixed $key, mixed $keyout, mixed $val, mixed $extensions) : mixed
- $info : mixed
- $row : mixed
- $key : mixed
- $keyout : mixed
- $val : mixed
- $extensions : mixed
Return values
mixed —lotgd_showtabs()
Construct TABS Semantic UI style.
lotgd_showtabs(array<string|int, mixed> $tabs[, bool $print = true ][, callable $callback = null ][, bool $browse = false ]) : mixed
- $tabs : array<string|int, mixed>
Format: [ 'title for tab 1' => 'Content of tab 1' 'title for tab 2' => 'Content of tab 2' ]
- $print : bool = true
Print tabs or return
- $callback : callable = null
If you need proccess de content of tab can pass a callback. Default no process content and only show. callback recibe paraments $callback($content, $title)
- $browse : bool = false
Indicate type of menu: tabular or browse menu
Return values
mixed —check_su_access()
check_su_access(mixed $level) : mixed
- $level : mixed
Return values
mixed —checkSuPermission()
Check Superuser premission.
checkSuPermission(int $permission[, string|null $return = null ]) : bool|redirect
Just check and redirect if denied you have permission.
- $permission : int
- $return : string|null = null
Return values
bool|redirect —bell_rand()
bell_rand([mixed $min = false ][, mixed $max = false ]) : mixed
- $min : mixed = false
- $max : mixed = false