Table of Contents
- lotgd_showtabs() : mixed
- Construct TABS Semantic UI style.
Construct TABS Semantic UI style.
lotgd_showtabs(array<string|int, mixed> $tabs[, bool $print = true ][, callable $callback = null ][, bool $browse = false ]) : mixed
- $tabs : array<string|int, mixed>
Format: [ 'title for tab 1' => 'Content of tab 1' 'title for tab 2' => 'Content of tab 2' ]
- $print : bool = true
Print tabs or return
- $callback : callable = null
If you need proccess de content of tab can pass a callback. Default no process content and only show. callback recibe paraments $callback($content, $title)
- $browse : bool = false
Indicate type of menu: tabular or browse menu