Legend of the Green Dragon

in package

Table of Contents

$doctrine  : mixed
__construct()  : mixed
debug()  : mixed
Add to the user's log if $field $value and $consolidate have values, entry will be merged with existing line from today with identical $field.
game()  : void
Log a message from game.



private mixed $doctrine



public __construct(EntityManagerInterface $doctrine) : mixed
$doctrine : EntityManagerInterface
Return values


Add to the user's log if $field $value and $consolidate have values, entry will be merged with existing line from today with identical $field.

public debug(string $message[, int|null $target = null ][, int|null $user = null ][, string|null $field = null ][, int|null $value = null ][, bool $consolidate = true ]) : mixed

otherwise, a new line will be added to the log.

$message : string

the text to be added

$target : int|null = null

acctid of the user on the receiving end of the event eg. the user who did NOT initiate PvP, gold transfer recipient (optional)

$user : int|null = null

acctid of the user the log entry is about (optional, defaults to current user)

$field : string|null = null

the label for this line, appears as first word on this line in the log eg. healing, forestwin (optional)

$value : int|null = null

how much was gained or lost. Only useful if also using $field and $consolidate (optional)

$consolidate : bool = true

add $value to previous log lines with the same $field, keeping a running total for today (optional, defaults to true)

Return values


Log a message from game.

public game(string $message[, string $category = 'general' ][, bool $filed = false ]) : void
$message : string

Message of log

$category : string = 'general'

Category of log

$filed : bool = false

If log is filed

Return values

Search results